[(#REM) Les commentaires sont ceux de l'auteur original PERSONNALISATION des styles du plugin ADX Menu pour SPIP ci-dessous ]#CACHE{3600*100,cache-client} #HTTP_HEADER{Content-Type: text/css; charset=utf8} #HTTP_HEADER{Vary: Accept-Encoding}[ (#SET{style,#ENV{type_menu,#EVAL{ADXMENU_OUVERTURE_DEFAUT}}}) ][(#SET{ouverture,[(#GET{style}|=={vlr}|sinon{#GET{style}|=={vrl}}|?{vertical,horizontal})]}) ] /*a { background: #222; color: #FFF; } .adxmenu a.on { background: #EED; color: #222; font-weight: normal; } [(#GET{ouverture}|=={vertical}|?{.adxmenu li,.adxmenu li li})] { /* create borders around each item */ border: 1px solid #ddd; }[(#GET{ouverture}|=={vertical}|oui) .adxmenu>li + li { border-top: 0; }] .adxmenu ul>li + li { /* and remove the top border on all but first item in the list */ border-top: 0; } .adxmenu li li:hover>ul { /* inset 2nd+ submenus, to show off overlapping */ [(#GET{style}|=={hbt}|?{bottom,top}): 5px;] [(#GET{style}|=={vrl}|?{right,left}): 90%;] } /* special colouring for "Main menu:", and for "xx submenu" items in ADxMenu placed here to clarify the terminology I use when referencing submenus in posts */ [(#REM) Retire pour SPIP | Decommentez pour remettre cette option : => le premier item de chaque bloc n'a pas d'effet 'onMouseOver' ] /* .adxmenu>li:first-child>a, .adxmenu li + li + li li:first-child>a { color: #604a7f; } */ /*]]>*/